Investor Services
The earnings information proven to significantly outperform the overall market
Earnings Whisper numbers have been the most accurate published earnings expectation 71.8% of the time

Earnings Whisper ® numbers are the most accurate

Since 1998, Earnings Whispers has published 124,258 Earnings Whisper numbers and, 71.8% of the time, the Earnings Whisper number was the most accurate published expectation by gathering the true expectations of 11,880 professional analysts - people who actually get paid to tell hedge funds, portfolio managers, and broker clients their projections.

By collecting 14,378,555 expectations from 1,378,665 individual investors, we can identify when investors are bullish or bearish going into earnings

Largest Collection of Investor Sentiment Around Earnings

At the same time, we've gathered 14,378,555 price and earnings expectations from 1,378,665 individual investors to identify when, and what stocks, investors are the most bullish and bearish going into the companies' earnings releases.

By combining the expectations of professional analysts, the sentiment of individual investors, and the actual results reported by the company, we can reliably indentify exactly where a stock lies in the Earnings Expectation Life Cycle

The Earnings Expectation Life Cycle

By combining the expectations of professional analysts, the sentiment of individual investors, and the actual results reported by the company, we can reliably indentify exactly where a stock lies in the Earnings Expectation Life Cycle

By identifying where a stock is in the Earnings Expectation Life Cycle, we can then identify which stocks are more likely to drift higher (or lower) throughout the quarter following the company's earnings release - with the A+ stocks outperforming the overall market by 205%

The Earnings Whisper Grade

By identifying where a stock is in the Earnings Expectation Life Cycle, we can then identify which stocks are more likely to drift higher (or lower) throughout the quarter following the company's earnings release - with the A+ stocks outperforming the overall market by 205%

Each week we assess the current environment by first taking top-down view of the market from the perspective of macro economists and market technicians, then we take a look at the top companies scheduled to report earnings - from the perspective of the bottom-up analysts.
Our model portfolio for three-month positions based on the Earnings Whisper Grade
Measuring a company's results against professional analysts' expectations and the individual investor's sentiment, gives us an indication of which stocks are most likely to outperform the overall market over the next 90 days.
All earnings releases for today (and in the past) along with the consensus estimates, the Earnings Whisper ® number, year-over-year growth, guidance indication - and the Earnings Whisper Grade
All corporate guidance announcements for today, and the past, along with a market summary and guidance trends
When it comes to equities, fundamental trends play a more important role in the performance of the stock than the technical trends.
Short interest tends to peak when a stock bottoms - here is a list of stocks that has had some favorable earnings indicators while short interest has climbed to a potential peak.
The actions of insiders can often give a clue to the upcoming earnings
Some statistically favorable trading strategies - including the Russell Reversals TM